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Welcome to Cullen - The Employment Law Firm

Cullen - The Employment Law Firm is a specialist employment law firm with a wide range of employer and employee clients. We have acted for employer clients from both the public and private sectors, and for individual employees.

26 August 2020

New Zealand reacted hard and fast by locking its population down when Covid-19 emerged in this country. Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has proved to be an empathetic leader who provided people with reassurance and confidence.

By her side in most press conferences was Dr Ashley Bloomfield, an able scientist whose pragmatic messaging helped ease the pain of the lockdown. More ....

24 August 2020

In less than two months, New Zealanders will vote in a referendum to decide if recreational cannabis should be legal.

If the majority vote "yes", the law doesn't change immediately. There will be some delay as a bill is introduced to Parliament and goes through the legislative process. This will give employers time to consider the range of issues that will accompany the legalization of cannabis. More ...

12 August 2020

The general election is now only weeks away. This year we have seen probably more instability than usual with a number of MPs leaving Parliament. More ...

29 July 2020

How many times do you interact with your smartphone every day?

If you are typical it is likely your estimate will be far less than the reality. Check it out for a day or even an hour. Today's smartphones seem like an extension of our personality. More ...

15 July 2020

We are living in difficult economic times. Many of us are benefiting from the Government's wage subsidy and support packages but these will not last forever. By the end of the year subsidies may be lifted and the economic focus will be on rebuilding the economy. More ...

7 July 2020

There has been a lot of media coverage recently regarding tragic workplace fatalities in New Zealand. This year alone WorkSafe reported 25 work-related deaths. In the wake of these deaths there have been several calls for better investigations into the incidents and harsher penalties for those found guilty. More ...

1 July 2020

The way we experience our country depends in large part on our background and our identity. The opportunities afforded to us, and the rewards we receive, vary accordingly.

The way the world appears to one person may be very different to the way it appears to their neighbour or colleague, particularly if one belongs to the majority culture and one to a minority culture or group. More ...

17 June 2020

For many the working arrangements put in place during the higher Covid-19 alert levels may have prompted longer term changes to how they work.

There has been a growing push for more flexible working starting long before the Covid-19 pandemic. Flexible work has been said to result in better job satisfaction, better work-life balance, reduced absenteeism, and less sick leave usage. More ...

8 June 2020

We are approaching the mid-point of 2020. While a lot has happened over the last few months, and much has changed, the Employment Relations Authority and Employment Court has continued to function and issue decisions.

The are some recent decisions that are of note for both employers and employees. More ...

4 June 2020

Community support for law is strongest when the laws are enacted following an accepted process and when they apply equally to everybody.

The British Government, like many around the world, responded to Covid-19 by enacting regulations to keep its citizens at home. In essence these regulations required that people stay home, and can only leave to exercise once a day, go to work if they are essential workers, shop for essential items and fulfil any medical or care needs. More ...


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Cullen - The Employment Law Firm was one of the first eleven law firms in New Zealand approved to provide employment law services to Government and the public sector.

Employment insecurity?

In these difficult economic times, the team at Cullen knows that you may be feeling stressed and vulnerable. We would like to offer employees an affordable fixed rate for an initial consultation to discuss your situation.
To access this special rate of $150+GST please email enquiries@cullenlaw.co.nz

Cullen - The Employment Law Firm and Women's Refuge are partnering to bring your business an understanding of the effects of domestic violence and the new laws assisting victims of domestic violence at work. Contact us to discuss your needs.

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